Looking Back

With the seasons of spring, summer, autumn, and winter: all creatures in the animal kingdom respond by adapting to the changes the seasons bring.

So, too: humans need to adapt to the seasons of the human life-cycle.

Each new phase of the human life-cycle brings with it opportunities to grow and evolve, but in the gaining, the transition from one phase to next requires a letting go.

Sometimes, this letting go comes easily. For example, as a child becomes a teenager; typically, they leave behind the games and toys of their childhood so that they can begin to assert themselves in the adult world.

But sometimes, letting go is hard. For example, as we age: we may look back to a time when we looked and felt younger, slimmer, healthier, happier, etc.

There is nothing amiss in looking back. It is part of your history. It has shaped who you are today, but that does not mean the best of you lies behind you.

Have courage. Pack the very best of your cherished memories in your kit bag as you set forth.

Remain vital and relevant by:

  • Looking forward; embracing the new
  • Retaining what is working in your life
  • Letting go what has been outgrown
  • Periodically updating your expertise
  • Living your life according to your life’s purpose.

And the allure of increased levels of life satisfaction still beckon because the future is, after all, what you make it.

Copyright 2017 uncapIdeas

Author: Life Skills Coach

Exploring ways to grow strong against life's challenges